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Best things to do in Kenya right now

by Juan José Herranz | July 22, 2019
Seeing leopards is one of the main attractions kenya

Which are the top things to do in Kenya? We present you with 5 incredible images that you shouldn’t miss in your next trip to Kenya.

Remember to apply for the Kenya visa before traveling!

What to do in Kenya

The house of Karen Blixen

One of the unexpected things to do in Kenya. The mansion where this famous writer lived has the most exceptional setting in Nairobi. Located at the foot of the Ngong hills and popular for its appearance as a noteworthy setting in some of the books published by the author, it includes the original bedroom, numerous mementos, interesting photographs and some dresses that Meryl Streep wore in the most famous film ever about this continent: Out of Africa.


At first glance, this city seems noisy, dirty and unsightly. However, the so-called Old City has unquestionable charm, enhanced by the presence of Fort Jesus. In addition, the beaches that surround it are highly recommended.


For many, this archipelago is the secret jewel of Kenya. Its main islands are Lamu, Manda and Pate and it is a unique sight, with fishing, trading and exotic beauty.

Nakuru Lake

This is one of the best places in the world to observe birds, especially the flocks of pink flamingos that, on occasion, can gather together a million specimens. The sight is impressive, but do not relax: your neighbours, black and white rhinos, are nearby and may be lying in wait.

panoramic view of flamingos in Nakuru

Kericho tea fields

Small, with colonial airs and famous for its cultivation of tea ever since the British era, this city offers its visitors a wonderful show of colours, among green and floral symmetries that deserve an array of selfies and photographs.

What are the best things to do in Kenya?

Going on safari in Masai Mara

This national park is one of the best things to do in Kenya for seeing lions, zebras, wildebeest and crocodiles, always on the lookout for food on the move to nail down with their sharp teeth. A memorable encounter, which will make you experience a live documentary.

Talking to the Masai in Kenya

This centennial tribe is one of the most popular in the world. They continue to live in mud huts, among sacred herds of cows and with authenticity. Surely you'll end up jumping with them!

Visiting natural parks in Kenya

This is probably the most well-known out of all of Kenya's tourist attractions. Amboseli, Tsawo, Aberdares and the national reserve of Samburu are part of this impressive itinerary which will allow you to admire a multitude of native flora and fauna. Of course, you must always be accompanied by experienced professionals.

Climbing Mount Kenya

Don’t be afraid: we don’t mean the Batian peak, dedicated to expert climbers. The Lenana peak is accessible to a less skilled public, although not for everyone. If you decide to spend the night here, take advantage of one of the shelters equipped with bunk beds.

As you can see, Kenya is an unparalleled destination because it is a wonderful country of amazing scenery, unexplored landscapes and pure African essence. It is the territory of Hemingway, Out of Africa and the living beauty of wildlife. Go ahead and live it and you will never be the same again.