Is Ivory Coast safe? All about the safety in Ivory Coast

Luz Prada | Mon 22 Jul 2019

Ivory Coast is the land of vibrant cultures and breathtaking landscapes. Nestled along the picturesque shores of West Africa, Ivory Coast, also known as Côte d'Ivoire, is a captivating destination that offers a diverse range of attractions for every traveler. You might be wondering, is Ivory Coast safe? Here we will talk all about the safety in Ivory Coast.

Is Ivory Coast safe?

In Ivory Coast there are some things to be wary of, but it’s a safe destination as long as you go to places designed for tourism

It is recommended to travel with some kind of local guide. This will ensure that you avoid going into unsafe areas, and it will also help you learn and understand the customs of this very special country.

Another tip? Make sure you meet all Ivory Coast entry requirements to avoid any issues at the border.

Tips to maximize your safety

After learning about whether or not is Ivory Coast safe, you need to integrate some  basic security measures to make the most out of your trip:

  • Be alert in crowded places
  • Don’t flaunt any money or jewelry
  • Travel by taxi or with trustworthy travel companies
  • Don’t travel alone at night
  • Be careful with the use of credit cards

Need more advice? You can find all of our Ivory Coast travel tips in our extensive guide. Some of the main ones are: 

  • Stay within designated routes and always have valid health insurance with you.
  • Women are encouraged to bring clothes that cover as much skin as possible. This also includes the hair, which is best to keep tied up in some areas. 
  • Always be informed of the country’s current situation before traveling to ensure your safety. You can do this by checking security alerts, and also international organizations and your government’s recommendations.